Thursday, May 15, 2014

Will immortality become a reality?

Date: 15/05/2014

Growing old and the idea that death may be around the corner is one of the ever present realities of life. Or is it? Immortality is a major idea among many popular movies and works of fiction in this day and age because, let’s face it, the idea of being able to live forever is exciting to say the least.

While our physical bodies grow old and deteriorate, it has been proposed that in years to come it may be possible to upload the entire human consciousness into a computer or virtual machine. This will effectively make the ‘person’ – if you can call them that now that they are without a physical, human, body – immortal. It is also hoped that a software replica of the person will be created in the form of a holographic virtual body to replace their deteriorated human body.

This is not the stuff of science fiction, this is hypothesised based on current research. Neurosynaptic computer chips (machines that mimic the neurons and synapses of the brain) are currently being developed and there has been promising progress to date. These chips may have the ability to learn and remember as though they were real brain cells. The implication of this is that we will be able to keep learning and ‘living’ well beyond the death of our original human bodies.

This begs the question: will such beings be considered human? Or will we end up with a Blade Runner-esque future? I guess we will just have to wait and see.


By Morgan

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