Thursday, April 17, 2014

Where will humans live in the future? walking cities? floating cities? gigantic cruise the size of 5 Titanics combined?

Date: 17/04/2014,

Global warming and rising sea levels are the never-ending topics in today's news with scientists around the world give strong and yet controversial opinions on how melting icebergs will affect human lives.
I believe, in the future, sea levels will rise for sure and we may not have the option of living on land, definitely not at the same location for the rest of our lives due to the way we treat our planet and its environment at the present. So I think (and many pessimistic scientists agree) that we may have to live on a ship in the future if moving or floating cities aren't optional.

The possibilities of us living in cities to the right and down below are highly unlikely (not to be pessimistic):

 The more likely scenarios are for us living in cities illustrated on the right where CO2 emissions have already blocked most of the sunlight and yet we continue to exploit the scarce natural resources we are currently having. The possibilities of replacing all the natural resources with renewable resources are still very unlikely even in the Year 2100 and beyond because some resources are just impossible to replace. We may have to live in cities where we can't see much plants because these cities are built on the top of mountains due to the rising of sea levels have covered many parts of continents in water.

The InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre's blog has some amazing conceptual images for our future cities.
But I believe in the future, we are all gonna live either in walking cities like this:
Or floating cities in the shape of a lily-pad :

 Or like a gigantic cruise:

Here is a YouTube video titled, 'World's First Floating city The Freedom Ship which will be forever at sea...'
It shows the conceptual floating city of the above in the future, which I don't think it is a bad idea except for the fact that we have to live our lives on a ship forever....(Now I worries if it is really safe to spend the rest of my life on this cruise...)
Based on all these choices and possibilities we have, if you let me choose, I would pick to live on the walking just seems less risky...on land...

But none of these will be necessary if we start to treat the planet Earth in a more sustainable manner (it is never too late to try!!)------------------------------ by Tim.

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