Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Day in the Year 2100

Date: 24/04/2014

My Personal Dairy:
Date: 2100 XXX XV

7:30am: I woke up by the soft and yet commanding voice from my artificial intelligent housekeeper, Mona. She is a personal assistant robot specifically designed to cater my every need. I had just installed ‘Master Chief 6.0’, ‘100 duties of a house cleaner 3.0’, ‘Chinese Kung Fu Master 2.0’, ‘Common Sense 10.0’ and various other programs necessary for her to have normal interactions with a human being, into her core processor. She speaks ‘Chinglish’ since I brought her last week from a retail store on the virtual reality, ‘Life onLine’ but I found her accent both amusing and friendly.  She can command every home appliance by her ‘Superbrain’ such as lighting and room temperature control system (it cost me a lot, because I am able to install my behaviors, tendencies, preferences and typical ways of responding to certain situations into her ‘brain’) She is like a virtual clone of me except less lazy and more knowledgeable…
8:00am: I washed up and took a swim in an artificial-gravity pool i.e. a circular mass of water floating in the air.

8:30am: Mona cooked me a delicious breakfast with conventionally grown food (you know how expensive they are now…) after she completed a daily health and mental check for me (blood pressure, heart rate, mood etc.)

9:30am: I suited up and put IPhone 90 in my eyes. (In case you are new in town, IPhone 90 is Apple’s new release this year, which serves the purpose of contact lenses as well as a phone with Wi-Fi, allowing me to surf the net as a 3D hologram in front of my eyes.)

10:00am: I flied to uni with my shoe-rocket called ‘feet on fire’ and I was just on time for my compulsory class called ‘Relationships between human and robots’.  In this class, I had a deeper philosophical understanding of Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics” which are:
  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. 

12:00pm: I had lunch with my friends in the university’s food court. (They served organic food and calorie bars with different flavors. Taste really bad….Oh, I miss Mona’s Chocolate Galaxy Cake)

13:00pm: I studied at the university’s library for my test next week on the topic, ‘Alternative Reality-lives without Apple, Internet and AI’.

14:00pm: I went to compulsory body fitness class for two hours. The Instructor forced us to go through survival training in the wilderness of Ancient Africa on ‘Life onLine’ with double connections i.e. connect both our body and mind into the virtual reality. (I hate every minute there.)

16:00pm: My free time finally arrived! I had space battles with my friends on ‘Life onLine’ to practice for the World Championship in 2100, where I sliced Jupiter in half by driving my spacecraft at 8x the speed of light.

18:00pm: I arrived home when Mona was waiting for me at the front door holding her homemade chocolate galaxy cake in her hands (I really got my money worth out of giving her the ‘Superbrain’ !)

20:00pm: Mona told me that she had booked a dentist appointment for me tomorrow after she found out I have a wisdom tooth whilst conducting the health check this morning. She also told me that she had self learnt the skills to cook Chinese cuisines at home and I could try them tomorrow over breakfast.

21:00pm: I fall asleep on my magnetic floating bed while dreaming about the Space Battle World Championship where I command 3000 spaceships on the battlefield….


                                                          --------By Tim--------

Monday, April 21, 2014

What you will have in your home in the year 2100 and beyond?!

 Date 21/04/2014

source: Prometheus Movie

In my last post, I talked about what future homes will look like from the outside, either on land, on the sea, in the sky or on the Moon. This time, we will enter the house and find out what the future homes will have inside them....

Future Dining Table:


The Kure table can be closed as a sphere, like an egg, when not used. It is designed like a flower that opens up to a full-fledged dining table. The table with sphere lighting rises from the center of the table and the the base glows with blue light. 


Future TV and the Entertainment System:  

Wall screen and hologram technologies may be available, the wall screens will almost just be a large computer screen on a wall that can perform all the functions of a computer and be able to project true 3-D images. This will change the whole teleconferencing idea and replace it with telepresence, where the images and sounds of a person will appear in front of a person wearing glasses or contact lenses. Or if we dare to think bigger, there may be a cubical device, the size of a football that we can lay on our future coffee table and with the push of a button, it could project true 3-D images into the air and we can manipulate the images by using our hands (whilst wearing a pair of specially designed gloves) like in the movie 'Prometheus'. 


Future SMART Fridge:

The good news for this technology is that it is currently being designed in the UK. And if succeeded, this futuristic fridge could tell the home owners what to cook with the left-overs and automatically re-orders fresh food for delivery from Supermarket when required, via the future 'internet'. It will also automatically move foods close to the expiry date to the front of the shelves.
  • It will use touch screen technology like modern-day smartphones. 
  • It will give you voice instructions on how to cook a meal with the food you have.
  • It will save a lot of energy and electricity usage.
  • You can see the inside of the fridge without opening the door!  

We are entering the Bedroom:
source:, 22/12/2013
  • Self-cleaning blankets
  • furniture that monitors your health
  • bedside holograms...   

All I can say now is that there are already magnetic floating beds on the market at over $1 million Euro each! So it won't be long until we have beds like the one pictured above. 
The only question is: "how much is it gonna cost?!" 

The Future Bathrooms:

source:, 19/09/2013
Sadly, it is just a concept for now. But the Sshower from Roca has sensors that adjust according to your position under the shower head and even senses your body temperature and adjusts accordingly. It’s also packed with TV screen, weather reports and Wi-Fi for streaming social media and the ability to make phone calls.

I will conclude with this video from YouTube, called 'The Future of Glass Technology'. Stay Tuned for the next post on futuristic cars and other possible transportation devices!

References:, 22/12/2013, 19/09/2013 
By Tim

Tomorrow’s TVs will do everything. They’ll be Internet computers, game consoles, multimedia entertainment systems, video phones, and — importantly — will be controllable via arbitrary mobile touch devices. And they’ll offer sci-fi user interfaces like in-air gestures and voice command.
The new TVs will seek to break down the walls between types of media and even types of online activities. For example, you tell your TV: “Batman,” and it will instantly provide first the option to download and watch the HD version of the most recent “Dark Knight” movie that has been made available online. Next, it will offer you tickets to the nearest theater showing the current release of the series. Then Dark Knight and Batman console games, then Batman TV shows and cartoons, then Batman graphic novel and comic downloads for your tablet, and the list will go on and on.

Tomorrow’s TVs will do everything. They’ll be Internet computers, game consoles, multimedia entertainment systems, video phones, and — importantly — will be controllable via arbitrary mobile touch devices. And they’ll offer sci-fi user interfaces like in-air gestures and voice command.
The new TVs will seek to break down the walls between types of media and even types of online activities. For example, you tell your TV: “Batman,” and it will instantly provide first the option to download and watch the HD version of the most recent “Dark Knight” movie that has been made available online. Next, it will offer you tickets to the nearest theater showing the current release of the series. Then Dark Knight and Batman console games, then Batman TV shows and cartoons, then Batman graphic novel and comic downloads for your tablet, and the list will go on and on.

omorrow’s TVs will do everything. They’ll be Internet computers, game consoles, multimedia entertainment systems, video phones, and — importantly — will be controllable via arbitrary mobile touch devices. And they’ll offer sci-fi user interfaces like in-air gestures and voice command.
The new TVs will seek to break down the walls between types of media and even types of online activities. For example, you tell your TV: “Batman,” and it will instantly provide first the option to download and watch the HD version of the most recent “Dark Knight” movie that has been made available online. Next, it will offer you tickets to the nearest theater showing the current release of the series. Then Dark Knight and Batman console games, then Batman TV shows and cartoons, then Batman graphic novel and comic downloads for your tablet, and the list will go on and on.

Tomorrow’s TVs will do everything. They’ll be Internet computers, game consoles, multimedia entertainment systems, video phones, and — importantly — will be controllable via arbitrary mobile touch devices. And they’ll offer sci-fi user interfaces like in-air gestures and voice command.
The new TVs will seek to break down the walls between types of media and even types of online activities. For example, you tell your TV: “Batman,” and it will instantly provide first the option to download and watch the HD version of the most recent “Dark Knight” movie that has been made available online. Next, it will offer you tickets to the nearest theater showing the current release of the series. Then Dark Knight and Batman console games, then Batman TV shows and cartoons, then Batman graphic novel and comic downloads for your tablet, and the list will go on and on.


Friday, April 18, 2014

The Inside And Outside of A Future Home

Date: 19/04/2014

Depending on whether we are going to live on land or on the sea in the near future as discussed in the previous blog post, our future homes could vary a lot. If we are going to live on a gigantic cruise like the 'Freedom' ship (in the previous blog post), our only choice would probably be living in a modern-day looking apartment. That being said, if we are going to live on a normal (i don't think i have used the word 'normal' in the right context but if we are in the perspective of a future self, i think it could be OK) floating city which is an enormous artificial island that is made up of thousands or millions of smaller islands/floating buildings and architectures, we will again have lots of options to choose from. 

This blog post will discuss different home designs depending on living on a floating city in the ocean or living on land and.....(read on)... 

Let's start by feet touching the ground: 

The above futuristic residential building has the advantage of an extremely flexible layout, which allows you to create a dream home, combining multiple units horizontally and vertically. Each unit represents various living spaces like a living room, a bathroom, and a staircase. You’ll never get bored in this house, because you can simply remove or add more units to your dream home.



The Korean designer Christopher Daniel came up with this roll-like home concept. It is designed  for arid environments, the house is secured with a carbon fiber truss frame and has a hydraulic powered automatic door. The upper half of the door opens overhead and the lower part unfolds onto the ground. Depending on the amount of sun, residents can make skylights and windows less or more transparent.

If we are living on a floating home, it could look like this instead, 

 The above is where we will live together in a much connected social community environment on the sea.
Here is a very cool houseboat called tubiQ which is totally modular, meaning that different elements can be interchanged based on the needs of the occupants. Though it slightly resembles a fancy yacht, tubiQ is actually made of aluminum and fiberglass to make it worthy of the high seas.

What about a flying house:


The above designed reminded me of the flying ship I once saw in the movie 'Stardust'...I have only one word for this design: 'Super COOL'!

If we are living on the Moon:
The above Moon villa is designed by Royal Haskoning Architechten in Netherlands. And yes, it is a transparent home designed for lunar living. It has no stairs, since with low-gravity on the moon, people can float/bound from one level to the next. The house has enormous rotating shades that regulate the extreme temperatures of outer space, and an underground bunker in case there is a dangerous solar storm.....

Let's wrap it up with this video on Tornado proof house from YouTube:

In my next post, i am going to discuss the possibilities of different futuristic home appliances like future kitchen and bedrooms, refrigerator, TV, PCs, lighting and air conditioning systems and more...

                                                                by Tim, edited by Morgan

Also please follow 'ISYS Group D'@z14683652 ) on Twitter if you want to get updates on future blog posts....


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Where will humans live in the future? walking cities? floating cities? gigantic cruise the size of 5 Titanics combined?

Date: 17/04/2014,

Global warming and rising sea levels are the never-ending topics in today's news with scientists around the world give strong and yet controversial opinions on how melting icebergs will affect human lives.
I believe, in the future, sea levels will rise for sure and we may not have the option of living on land, definitely not at the same location for the rest of our lives due to the way we treat our planet and its environment at the present. So I think (and many pessimistic scientists agree) that we may have to live on a ship in the future if moving or floating cities aren't optional.

The possibilities of us living in cities to the right and down below are highly unlikely (not to be pessimistic):

 The more likely scenarios are for us living in cities illustrated on the right where CO2 emissions have already blocked most of the sunlight and yet we continue to exploit the scarce natural resources we are currently having. The possibilities of replacing all the natural resources with renewable resources are still very unlikely even in the Year 2100 and beyond because some resources are just impossible to replace. We may have to live in cities where we can't see much plants because these cities are built on the top of mountains due to the rising of sea levels have covered many parts of continents in water.

The InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre's blog has some amazing conceptual images for our future cities.
But I believe in the future, we are all gonna live either in walking cities like this:
Or floating cities in the shape of a lily-pad :

 Or like a gigantic cruise:

Here is a YouTube video titled, 'World's First Floating city The Freedom Ship which will be forever at sea...'
It shows the conceptual floating city of the above in the future, which I don't think it is a bad idea except for the fact that we have to live our lives on a ship forever....(Now I worries if it is really safe to spend the rest of my life on this cruise...)
Based on all these choices and possibilities we have, if you let me choose, I would pick to live on the walking just seems less risky...on land...

But none of these will be necessary if we start to treat the planet Earth in a more sustainable manner (it is never too late to try!!)------------------------------ by Tim.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Date: 17/04/2014

from total-recall-2012.det
This Blog is about using our own imaginations to predict the lives of the human race in the future world, year 2100 and beyond. Of course, we are not able to predict the future on scientific grounds, and even if we do, I ddon't think the predictions will be much more accurate than our predictions using simple imaginations.
Anyway, people have been trying to predict the future since ancient times. But I believe the most amazing prophecies (because they are intepreted to be scarely close to reality) are made by Nostradamus in his work, 'The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus'.
One can purchase his book on Amazon, by the way. 

2013-08-09-elysium_interior_concept_art from
There are so many other famous works regarding predictions of the future; from Jules Verne and his 'From the Earth to the Moon' and 'Paris in the 20th Century', to George Orwell's ‘1984’, and then to 'Brave New World' by A. Huxley and so on. Some of these works predict the future with extreme accuracy (J. Verne!!) and others gave a more pessimistic view of the future because of the social and political contexts they were in. Nevertheless, they are all Great Literature and who am I to deny the possibilities that their predictions won't come true!

Being living in the Era of countless TV series and movies, We have been exposed to lots of different versions of predictions on the future, like in Blade Runner, Total Recall, Terminator, Minority Report, Oblivion and Avatar etc.    
Elysium image from
After being fed with so many different ideas, we will still try to use our own imaginations and referencing to articles regarding the researches of scientists and physicists of the Present and their predictions of the future.


Some of the topics we are going to cover in the future posts are:
  • transportation and cars in the future
  • a day at a futuristic university/school
  • where is the internet?
  • Space travel and Migration to Mars
  • Future cities 
  • home appliances and housing
  • Virtual Reality
  • Robotics
 Just to name a few but the list could go on....



Time will tell whose predictions are the closest to the truth.....
                                                                          By Tim

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Sketch of what some of my future blogs are going to look like....

Today is 15/04/2014 and it rained outside,

This is the first time I started using Blogger, so I decided to make my first blog as a guide to what 65% of my future blogs are going to look like. (I don't think this is really going to happen)

This is a really hard job because I am a more design-as-you-go kind of a blogging person.

Anyway, after 'hours' of digging and surfing through the internet (liar) and playing around the format and layout section of the Blogger, I roughly designed what my future blogs are to look like, what background image I am going to use, what font style (seriously!?) and what gadgets to have on my blog....

Oh, yeah, 'what gadgets to have?' was the question I stuck on for hours....  maybe Jigsaw Puzzles... random Star War photos....

Anyway, that's enough for now....Here is the Sketch....Yeah...

                                                       Almost forgot, my name is Tim!